Construction Vehicles

The front-end loader is an essential piece of equipment to have on a construction site as it is useful and versatile. It can prepare the land as well as transport up to twenty three tons of heavy earth, gravel and similar materials into a dump truck. This procedure can be repeated at such a rate that it requires the front end loader to change direction about four to five hundred times and hour.
Giant dump trucks are so popular at mining sites because the bigger the tub the more material can be dumped into it; hence lowering operating costs. These monsters, equipped with 1,000 gallon (imperial) gas tanks, are so heavy that they are not allowed on public roadways. They are transported to the site, piece by piece, by no less than six tractor trailers.
It takes a little less than three minutes for a giant hydraulic shovel to dump four buckets of earth into on of theses giant trucks. This phenomenal piece of equipment takes about twenty five seconds to dig life and transport the load to the dump truck and then return to its original position.