Medieval Village

Whether you enter Rothenberg by way of the deep-cut, Winding green valley of the Tauber or the famous two-tier bridge the eve immediately travels to the medieval, many-towered malls which encircle the town. You are then greeted by the lavish homes of the erstwhile wealthy classes and the town hall's slender, steeple. The majority of houses were built in the 1800s, vet their Gothic style belies the century in which they were erected.
The Hospital Quarter, also Surrounded by fortified walls, sits at the foot of the town, overlooking the Plonlein, a popular local landmark. ~ Your model is a lovely rendition of this famed town square. The Plonlein forks right, toward the two-tier bridge, and left, leading you from the Sieber Tower to the new gates of Kobolzell; one of the town's mightiest and most celebrated strongholds.
Plonlein is derived from a Latin term meaning "little place". To this day, the square's fountain harbors the original fish cages used for centuries by fishermen to store their daily catches from the Tauber.
The vistas from the various ramparts in this little corner of town are among the most charming and majestic in all of Bavaria.