Pagodas and sanctuaries coexist in Japan such as Buddhism
Shintoisme do in the hearts of the Japanese. The majority
these two religions throughout their lives. The Nipponese,
from birth, become Buddhists at the end of their lives seeing
retirement gives them more time to reflect on what the future
has in
store for them. Shintoasm is the older of the two traditions,
it the original Japanese religion. In Shinto sanctuaries, the
devoted pilgrims worship the kami; which are considered as
Japanese high divinities who are the heroes which make up
part of
their history. Buddhism, on the other hand, came to Japan from
via China and Korea in the 61th century. The Shinto Gods have
been considered to be Buddha's incarnations. It is in Kyoto, one
the rare Nipponese villages that escaped bombardment during
Second World War, that we find the largest number of temples
Japanese gardens.
It is very difficult at first sight, to distinguish between a
Buddhist Temple and a Shinto Sanctuary. The presence of a
Torii, a
large wooden or brick portico in the form of an immense perch
destined for the village's sacred rooster is found in sanctuaries.
The architectural style of Buddhist Temples is more apt to
make one
think of China. The pagodas, in their sobriety, blend in
harmoniously with nature. Their tiled or shingled roofs curl in at
the top and flare out towards the bottom. The painted and
wooden temples are often sculpted and one can always find a
in which to worship Buddha. Inside, He sits "Indian-style", with
eyes half-closed, inviting the visitor to meditate. The statues,
sculptures and different works that decorate these temples,
that date back more than a thousand years, are among the
lands most
precious artistic treasures.